Primary school

Fostering the overall development of young children

Our goal is to build a solid academic foundation and teach methods for lifelong learning. In a peaceful and healthy environment, our students are happy to go to school. They are  passionate about their studies, becoming autonomous and responsible.  

International students integrate our programme through our specialized French immersion course. They have a wonderful opportunity to learn French as a new language and to easily transition into the Swiss education system. The curriculum is internationally recognized and allow student to access universities in Switzerland and abroad.

chantemerle école primaire

An effective and caring approach


At Chantemerle, everything is organized to simplify the learning process and build confidence. Our small class sizes allow for personalized attention in a rigorous yet caring environment. We believe in balance and regular breaks are scheduled where students can play in the outdoors before getting back to work.


We use an active learning approach that respects the learning speed of each child. Students go over a lesson during several weeks; they discover the topic through a hands on approach, then practice and memorize the lesson through oral and written exercices and the use of textbooks.


Complementary to the Swiss public system, our program is taught in French, and emphasizes core subjects, e.g. French, Mathematics, English and German. Chantemerle facilitates the transition to public school at the end of the primary school (8th) or at the end of middle school (11th)-


At Chantemerle, we teach all our students to learn effectively and independently. During accompanied homework periods, students are supervised by teachers as they complete their homework.


Chantemerle’s classrooms are very peaceful. Children and teachers feel at ease. In a positive atmosphere, students acquire work methodology and know-how. They organize their knowledge and develop their autonomy. The result is motivation and a desire to learn.


Chantemerle offers full, continuous care from 07h30 to 18h30 that includes class, meals and homework. Extracurricular activities (arts, sport and nature, cultural excursions) are included in the school curriculum. Shuttle transport is available.

Nature & Discovery

Chantemerle’s Nature & Discovery project at Chantemerle offers children the chance to spend two afternoons a month in the forest, all year round and in all weathers, as the seasons change.

Accompanied by a team of professionals, nature becomes a landmark and starting point for sensory and creative exploration and discovery. In this project, children discover the secrets of nature, the elements and the seasons. They create a bond with nature, and learn to respect and appreciate it.

Education through and with nature enables them to acquire and develop skills and competencies such as autonomy, simplicity and self-confidence.

Extracurricular activities

Through sports, visual arts and performing arts, our students have the opportunity to explore new interests, develop social skills and engage in enriching activities outside the school setting:

  • Sports: Archery, Swimming, Jiu-jitsu, Running, Tennis, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Winter Sports
  • Performing arts : Piano or Cello, Singing, Dancing, drama, circus skills, arts & crafts
  • Nature : hiking, fruit picking, outdoor adventure and forest walking
  • Cultural visits and excursions


Lower primary (ages 5-7 )
Higher primary (ages 8-10)


French (GS to CM2)
Swiss (3P-8P Harmos)


Boarding school (5 or 7 days)
Day school

Programme and approach

Chantemerle offers a comprehensive and internationally recognized curriculum. Our program is primarily taught in French and meets the requirements of the Plan d’Etude Romand.

Our pedagogical approach emphasizes essential knowledge and methods to learn independently and with confidence. In the primary section, students develop their capacity for reasoning and intellectual reflection. Mathematics and French are taught on a daily basis. English and German are taught by immersion in an intensive manner at all levels. Science is taught in a practical way through observation and questioning. Artistic creativity is stimulated in all its forms: visual, musical and performing arts.

At the end of primary school (CM2, 8P Harmos), students can return to the public system (through the cantonal exams, ECR) or continue their secondary education in the private system and prepare for the end of secondary school exams.

Weekly schedule

This weekly schedule is for information purposes only and could be subject to modification.

weekly schedule primary chantemerle