Private school in Switzerland

Why study at Chantemerle ?

Switzerland offers a compelling alternative to studying in the UK or the US for many students and their families, thanks to its distinctive blend of academic excellence, cultural richness and high quality of life.

Chantemerle school is just like Switzerland: traditional, personalized and efficient.

Renowned for its high academic standards, our school teaches the importance of a balanced life, traditional values and the culture of effort.

The educational vision of our founders is now carried on by Mrs Anne White-Wegmüller and Mr Yann Wegmüller, directors of Chantemerle, supported by a team of experienced and dedicated teachers and educators.

For a sustainable education

Our main purpose is to empower every student to reach their potential through personal and academic success.

At Chantemerle, we teach the importance of a balanced life, core values and the culture of effort.

In a complex and rapidly changing world, we strive to pass on to new generations the fundamental values and life skills needed to create a sustainable future for all:


  • Solidarity
  • Respect
  • Simplicity
  • Nature

Life skills

  • Household tasks
  • Table manners
  • Gardening
  • Repair & Recycle

The boarding spirit of Chantemerle

5-day boarding or permanent boarding

With a maximum capacity of 65 students, Chantemerle’s boarding school offers an enriching experience in a healthy and personalized family environment.
In a complex and fast-changing world, our students enjoy a peaceful and happy environment where they can focus and find balance. Chantemerle promotes digital awareness and teaches to disconnect through limited hours of access. By following daily good habits, as well as through sports, arts and nature activities children and teenagers become self-confident, happy to learn and to excel.
The Wegmüller family and its team are present 24/7 to ensure that life at Chantemerle runs smoothly. Our residential school nurse cares for our children’s well-being and monitors health issues on an individual basis. Simple community rules promote a healthy and happy environment. 
Our rooms have a beautiful view on lake Geneva, most with private en-suite bathrooms. After class, students can relax on the terrace with a view, as well as enjoy our sport and leisure areas. Our chef prepares healthy and delicious menus. Holder of the “Fourchette Verte” quality label, our students benefit from fresh and well- balanced menus cooked “just like at home” using local ingredients. Special dietary needs are addressed with the chef and his team.  
Living away from home offers invaluable opportunities for personal development. Most importantly, at Chantemerle, students learn to live together in a spirit of togetherness and respect. Upon leaving Chantemerle, our graduates carry into their adult lives the spirit of solidarity and the strong sense of friendship that characterize our school.
Summer Camp Chantemerle

Day school at Chantemerle

A programme that meets the needs of local families

A good half of our students live in the area and study at Chantemerle as day students. Day students fully benefit from the structure of our boarding programme together with the boarding students :

  • Full on-site care at the school with flexible hours from 7:30am to 6:30pm
  • Healthy and delicious home-cooked meals and snacks
  • Supervised studies and assistance with homework on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
  • A rich and balanced after school activity programme (Sport, Art and Nature)

The pick-up and drop-off of students can be arranged with our own shuttle buses (Blonay-Montreux-Vevey). 

The intelligent and rigorous application of simple community rules contributes to the efficient and organized running of the establishment and its harmony.  

Chantemerle promotes digital education and screen time management. Digital access is controlled on the school premises. 

A team of dedicated and experienced educators garanties a healthy, well balanced and safe environment. Our on- campus school nurse follows the students in relation to their health.

Personal development

Afterclass Sports, Arts, Nature & Cultural activities

During extra-curricular time, Chantemerle offers its students a rich programme of sports, artistic and cultural activities. Supervised by dedicated and experienced professionals, our students develop essential values and skills such as perseverance, leadership and team spirit.

Access here photos of our afterclass activities.

  • Archery, swimming, jiu-jitsu, running
  • Tennis, Football, Basketball, Volleyball
  • Sports & Studies Programmes* (tennis, basketball, football, golf, horse riding, ski)
  • Winter Sports

* = optional

  • Performing arts : Music & singing, Dance, drama, circus skills
  • Visual arts: painting, photography, cinema
  • Art & Study Programme* (Piano, Ballet)
  • Digital creation (3D printing)

* = optional

  • Pratical skills (cooking, gardening, repairing)
  • Nature worskhops
  • City tours, Swiss Museums and heritage
  • UN Youth Leadership Programme*

* = optional